
Friday 6 August 2021

English Scholarship Pathways Day

 Today during school we took a day out of each class to look into key categories in English. These categories were Narratology theory, Rhetorical Theory, Philosophy, and Shakespeare. 

In Narratology Theory, we covered different story structures including Todorov's Equilibrium structure, Barthes' Engima, and Strauss' structure.

In Rhetorical Theory we learned about different rhetors and their rhetorics. These included Aristotle, Jean Baudrillard, and bell hooks

In Philosophy, we discussed the trolley problem and being human. We had a great class discussion about these things

In Shakespeare,  we talked about the story of King Lear, and how because he broke the pecking order of the kingdom, everything fell in chaos

Overall, I had a lot of fun and learned a lot whilst doing so

If there were to be more of these workshop days I would definitly consider going

Monday 5 July 2021

English Connection Planning

In English, we have been reviewing different pieces of text to find connections between them. The texts we have been viewing are Blade Runner 2049, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Black Mirror: Be Right Back, and The Outsider by H.P. Lovecraft

Here is what I can connect between them

Thursday 11 June 2020

Analysing Language Techniques - English

The air was full of noise and smoke

  • This is past tense

  • It was used to show that the day was gloomy, dark and all-round horrible

  • I think it worked well as when saying the air was full of noise shows how noisy it was

I was quite nervous

  • This is a 1st person view

  • It was used to show the reader how scared and nervous the writer was

  • It worked well to show how the writer felt about the activity he/she was about to do

As the river finally came into view, we found ourselves a small clearing

  • Past tense again

  • 1st person view

  • It was used to show the reader what the writer and her friends were seeing

  • It was also used to show the reader that the writer was safe

The story The Rivers Pawn is written using first person and past tense. This is used to show what the writer was feeling at the time and that it was in the past.

This work was a collaboration with Levi, we both did really good work

Monday 8 June 2020

Todays lesson

The lesson today was fun with the new teacher. We discussed some techniques and I am looking forward to the rest of the term

Monday 17 February 2020

The bystander effect

The Bystander Effect

The bystander effect is something many people probably haven’t heard of. At first thought you probably think it has something standing by someone. Close, but not close enough. Let me ask you a question. If you were at university during a lecture, sitting around about the middle with a packed house, and suddenly the professor just fell on the floor, would get up to help them, or would you wait for someone else up near the front? What if you were sitting in the front row? What it was just you and like, five other people? What if it was just you talking to the professor after class? In some of these situations, you probably would, but in the other ones, maybe not. Studies show that if someone needed help and you were standing in a room full of people, most people would wait for someone else to do something. But as the group size decreased, the more likely someone was to help. This is all due to dependency on others and just sheer nerves. What if you tried to help but just made it worse? What if there was a doctor in training in that lecture? These are limiting factors in our helping of others. Now many of you will say no matter how many people are there, you would help. But the truth is, you probably wouldn’t if there was a group over like, 7 or something. But hey, it’s not personal, it’s just science.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Complete Combustion

In science today we did an experiment about complete combustion. To do this we filled a plate with water (and added red food colouring), placed a candle in the water, lit the candle and put a beaker over top. The resulting reaction led to the water rising inside the beaker and once the candle was starved of oxygen and burnt out, the water stopped.


The way this works is without an outside source of oxygen, the flame uses it all and eventually runs out, thus making more space and allowing the water in.

Thursday 21 November 2019

English - Ideal World

My ideal world would be a world where big airlines flew to Chch direct, NASCAR and V8 Supercars visit Chch. A world where the Prime Minister would be Peter Griffin, Mr Stokes would keep teaching at Hornby. There would be a massive restaurant chain in New Zealand where they just sell bbq ribs. Milkshakes of tap in all homes. Michael Schumacher wakes up. New Zealand gets a proper military. They start selling golden gaytimes in New Zealand.

That's my ideal world, let me know what you think

Edit: A golden gaytime is an Ice Cream BTW