I am learning to be a good entrepreneur.
How am I progressing with my learning:
- Identifying and managing risks to your business - I identified a risk that our original product wouldn't sell well so I told the group and we changed the product
- Being Creative - We have been creative by making our chosen product one that no one else would make
- Solving and preventing problems without adult assistance - We haven't come to any major problems yet but with the minor one we solved them ourselves
- Using your resources wisely - We used the resources we were given wisely in the situation we were in
- Working well with others - My group has worked well with other groups when they were in trouble we helped them get out of it
- Seeing things that need doing and doing these without being asked - We have had to be reminded a few times of what to do but otherwise, we haven't done too bad
- Discussing things with your team - We discussed on what we should do for our advert and after that, we did the advert
- Being fair and responsible - I was fair when I took charge of the manager and then realised no one got a choice so I stood down
- By planning and using your time well -?
What I/My company have done so far:
My company is making eggheads. The eggheads are fully customisable and make a great decoration. If you get sick of it then you can take off the shell and eat it. We are selling them for $1.50
What we need to do next:
Next, my company needs to focus on creating our product
What you expect on market day:
I expect to sell a good amount of product and we would be lucky to sell our whole product