
Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Complete Combustion

In science today we did an experiment about complete combustion. To do this we filled a plate with water (and added red food colouring), placed a candle in the water, lit the candle and put a beaker over top. The resulting reaction led to the water rising inside the beaker and once the candle was starved of oxygen and burnt out, the water stopped.


The way this works is without an outside source of oxygen, the flame uses it all and eventually runs out, thus making more space and allowing the water in.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

English - Ideal World

My ideal world would be a world where big airlines flew to Chch direct, NASCAR and V8 Supercars visit Chch. A world where the Prime Minister would be Peter Griffin, Mr Stokes would keep teaching at Hornby. There would be a massive restaurant chain in New Zealand where they just sell bbq ribs. Milkshakes of tap in all homes. Michael Schumacher wakes up. New Zealand gets a proper military. They start selling golden gaytimes in New Zealand.

That's my ideal world, let me know what you think

Edit: A golden gaytime is an Ice Cream BTW

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Composition - Music

What is Composition?: Composition is creating something without instructions, for example in music composition is creating a completely new song

What style of composition have you chosen to do and why?: I have chosen to do an advertisement because it is short but it also allows me to add some comedy into the mix

What ideas do you have so far and what do you have so far?: We have some rough ideas of what we're are going to do but not really anything solid, which means we need to come up with something quick

Thursday, 7 November 2019

The Treaty of Houston

The Treaty I have researched is the Treaty of Houston. It was a Treaty signed between the Texas Commissioners and the Cherokee tribe. It relates to the Treaty of Waitangi as it was created to stop conflicts between two parties of varied development.