
Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Careers in science

  1. Surgeon-
  2. Nuclear Science-
     The Nuclear power comes from a non-renewable source called Uranium
  3. Geologist-
  4. Oceanologist-
  5. Dentist-
  6. Forestry Worker-
  7. Forensic Scientist-
  8. Radiologist-
  9. Serologist-
  10. Veterinarian-
  11. Political Science-
  12. Meteorologist-
  13. Volcanologist-

Investigation into a career: Nuclear science

What training is needed for that career? Employers may seek a candidate with five years' experience working as a nuclear scientist and ten years working in an operating lab

What you do for an average day on the job? Harvest the aged uranium and turn it into nuclear power


  1. Hey Logan!
    I like all the photos you put up on you blog very informational.Next time add some information next to the careers.

  2. Hi Logan
    I learned heaps about types of science jobs, and I liked that you used photos to get the message across better. Next time maybe you could explain what you do in those jobs. Apart from that this post is really cool.


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