
Friday, 4 May 2018

Maori Music

Song 1: Stan Walker, Aotearoa

What type of music is it: It is pop music

Who performs it: Stan Walker, Ria Hall, Troy Kingi, Maisey Rika

What inspired them to write it: Maori Language Week

What did you like about the music: It is cool that it gave people around the world a chance to listen to our national language

What did you like about the video: That it was shot in New Zealand and showed some really cool places

Song 2: Modern Maori Quartet, Mareikura

What type of music is it: Traditional/Pop

Who performs it: Modern Maori Quartet, Awhimai Fraser

What inspired them to write it: I don't know

What did you like about the music: It is easy to listen to and not that fast

What did you like about the video: It is cool that they feel the need to film on some giant set and just in a recording studio

Song 3: Maimoa, Wairua

What type of music is it: Pop

Who performs it: Maimoa

What inspired them to write it: It talks about Maori beliefs

What did you like about the music: I liked how it was upbeat but it also had some slow parts

What did you like about the video: It was cool how it featured a lot of people

Song 4: Rob Ruha, Kalega

What type of music is it: Pop

Who performs it: Rob Ruha, The Witch Doctor

What inspired them to write it: It is about relaxing and enjoying life

What did you like about the music: It is nice and it suits my style of music

What did you like about the video: It is awesome how it travels all over NZ and films it along the way

What am I learning?: I am learning about Maori music and Matariki

How does this show my learning?: This shows my learning by showing I took my time to research these songs

What did I find challenging?: I found listening to all the songs and remembering them while wrote challenging

What am I wondering?: I am wondering how to perform Wairua excitingly

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