- Live in water
- Breathe with gills
- Moist skin
- Most Lay Eggs
- Cartilage or Bony Skeleton
- Cold Blooded
Examples: Snapper, Humphead Maori Wrasse, Salmon

- Moist Skin
- Lay their eggs in water
- Larvae breathe with gills
- Adults breathe with lungs
- Adults live on land
- Cold Blooded
Examples: Turtle Frog, Poison Dart Frog, Green Tree Frog

- Dry, scaly skin
- Lay Eggs
- Breathe with lungs
- Cold Blooded
Examples: Anaconda, Alligator Snapping Turtle, Saltwater Crocodile, Tuatara

- Covered in feathers
- Lays eggs with hard shells
- Most have wings
- Warm Blooded
- Breathe with lungs
Examples: Owls, Flamingos, Geese, Fantails
- Body covered in hair or fur
- Feed young with milk
- Warm Blooded
- Breathe using lungs
Examples: Humans, Cats, Doggos, Hares
True Worms...

True Worms...

- Body is tubular and/or made up of segments
- Tube-like digestive system
Examples: Earth Worms, Bootlace Worm

- Breathe through their skin
- Unsegmented body
Examples: Tapeworm, Fluke

- Take in water through pores in their bodies from which they
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