John Whiskers was no ordinary cat. He was, special. He could do things most cats, couldn’t do. He could feel emotions. But he never really paid much attention to it. Till one day, which is when our story begins.
It was Christmas Eve, the Schweppenheims were preparing for their first Christmas in their new American home. “Dis will be a very good Christmas ya.” “Ya, we have plenty of schnitzels.” And they made sure that they fed their cat before bed. Their cat. Was. Johnathan Tobias Alexander Benjamin Samuel Whiskers. He noticed that there was some milk sitting on the counter. He knew that is was obviously his, because he was their favourite cat (better than Jaquelin at least). But he had to find a way up. But there was an obstacle. Jaquelin. She thought it was hers. So she did the most intelligent thing she had ever done. She meowed at it. Oh, Jaquelin, foolish as always. John Whiskers did the smart thing, he moved the furniture to get to the milk, he climbed and he climbed, but found himself getting smaller and smaller. He finally made it to the milk, but he was too small to get to it. He found himself being taken over by his cat instincts. He jumped in.
As he was falling he could see all nine lives flash before his two very little eyes. Until he landed with a thud. But he didn't just land on his feet. He landed on, buildings. He found himself staring at a small man.
The Reciever of the milk. “Mr Whiskers, I have brought you here to teach you a lesson. You mustn’t steal milk. Get your own milk.” “MEOW!” replied John. He didn’t like being told to do. He looked at the little fat man very angrily. Remember how I told you he had some, skills. He ran to the man, and roundhouse kicked the jolly out of him. “Naughty, John, Naughty!” But John didn’t care. He wanted milk, and he wanted it now. He was so angry he could’ve climbed a Christmas tree. He wrecked the whole town and plus some. Little screams were heard below as he used his mad kung fu skills to get back at the town that did virtually nothing to him. But that was the easy part, next it was the hard part…