
Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Anaerobic Respiration

Aim: To demonstrate the effects of anaerobic respiration (muscle fatigue)
Hypothesis: I think that my muscles will take a while to fatigue
Equipment: A spring-loaded clothes peg

  1. Hold the clothes peg as shown in the diagram below
  2. Relax your fingers so that the peg closes all the way
  3. Squeeze your thumb and forefinger so the peg is fully open
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as quickly as you can until you experience muscle fatigue
Results: The more that I moved the peg, the more my muscles started to feel pain. My muscles were exercised more the longer I did it.  In relation to my hypothesis, I was wrong.
Conclusion: I saw that peg was slowing down because my muscles got tired
Evaluation: I would try to go for longer and see how much more it hurts

1 comment:

  1. Hi Logan, Good first sciblog was good to see the aspects of scientific method- Aim, Hypothesis, Method, Results, Conclusion, Evaluation. It would be good to have a discussion with your conclusion so that it covers the following points: Conclusion- do your results match your hypothesis. eg. My results did not match my hypothesis as my fingers got tired quickly.
    Discussion- why did it happen? My fingers got sore as all of the energy had been used up, and there was not enough oxygen left to respire aerobically, so only a little bit of energy was made to use.

    Hope that helps.

    Grade- 6/10


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