
Friday, 31 May 2019

Acid Rain

Acid Rain is a phenomenon that is the event of rain that has an unusual acidic level. This comes from pollution and is common in China, some parts of the United States of America and other places that produce pollution in mass amounts. It is a common event in those places and usually, when it happens you don't even realise.

 Image result for acid rain
Acid Rain Explained

Acid rain results when gases are sent into the atmosphere by factories and transported by wind.  These gases include SO2 and NO-x and once in the air, they react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to form sulfuric and nitric acids.  These then mix with water and other materials before falling to the ground.

The effects of Acid Rain include corrosion of stones and metals, damage to the environment and even lethality to animals. The melting of acid snow can also pollute rivers and lakes.

We can stop acid rain by shutting down factories and manufacturing plants to prevent the creation of greenhouse gases

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