
Thursday 28 February 2019

Athletics 2019

Over the course of the last month, we have been doing athletics. I usually don't enjoy athletics, but the help I've received from Mr Stokes and Mr Hilliard I've found myself getting better, and enjoying athletics. I do still have more things to improve on, but here are some things I have improved on.

Triple Jump: This year we were introduced to triple jump. It is a lot of fun, but a lot of work. However, I have picked up the Hop, skip, jump technique. Mr Hilliard said that I was naturally very good at it.

Discus: I have always been good at discus (sort of), but with the encouragement of My good Comrade Stokes, I have gotten better and I even learned the spin technique

I have had a lot of fun with athletics this, something I thought I never would, but thanks to my teachers I have gotten a lot better. Please give feedback as it helps my learning, thanks

The Underground Railroad

In social studies, we are learning about the slaves in the 1800's. I have made a slide show about Harriet Tubman and The Underground Railroad, let me know what you think:

The underground railroad was important to the slaves as knowing about it helped the slaves get through the tough times of working in the fields

Please give me feedback as it helps me improve on my work

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Anaerobic Respiration

Aim: To demonstrate the effects of anaerobic respiration (muscle fatigue)
Hypothesis: I think that my muscles will take a while to fatigue
Equipment: A spring-loaded clothes peg

  1. Hold the clothes peg as shown in the diagram below
  2. Relax your fingers so that the peg closes all the way
  3. Squeeze your thumb and forefinger so the peg is fully open
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as quickly as you can until you experience muscle fatigue
Results: The more that I moved the peg, the more my muscles started to feel pain. My muscles were exercised more the longer I did it.  In relation to my hypothesis, I was wrong.
Conclusion: I saw that peg was slowing down because my muscles got tired
Evaluation: I would try to go for longer and see how much more it hurts

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Human Rights Poster

One of the tasks we were given in social studies was to make a poster displaying all the human rights. This is mine, hope you like it:
This was a fun task and I would do something like it again.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Friday 8 February 2019

English 2019

I English we watched the movie Tarzan and it was pretty good. The teacher gave us some tasks ad this is my work:

Two Worlds, One Family

What does it mean to you?

To me, it means some sort of Rick and Morty shizzle because in Rick and Morty they have multiple
universes. And through all these universes there is always a Rick and Morty and their families,
so basically this is Rick and Morty

Three ideas in Tarzan


Throughout the movie, Kerchak (the silverback gorilla (leader of the troop)) struggles to accept Tarzan into the troop. But as Tarzan starts doing better things, he realises that he was wrong. Clayton also has trouble accepting Tarzan but eventually realises that he can lead him to the gorillas


The movie displays the idea that because Kerchak is the leader of the troop, everyone has to listen to him. He never really allows Tarzan to be a member of the family, and because of this, the other gorillas don’t either. This is shown really well as in real life animal groups take hierarchy very seriously.


Many of the characters in Tarzan had to learn tolerance over the course of the movie. Kerchak and Tarzan had to learn to tolerate each other (though never really do so). The Humans also have to learn to tolerate Tarzan as he comes into their lives and they try to help him. But I think one of the best cases of one character having to tolerate someone or something, is Terk. Terk is a gorilla that seems like the type to say what's on her mind. And this causes her to become jealous of Jane, whom Tarzan falls in love with. But toward the end of the movie, she eventually gives in.

Hope you found it interest and please give your feedback

Thursday 7 February 2019

Our Rankings Of Human Rights

In Social Studies my group and I have been assessing and ranking on what we think are the most important human rights. Let me know what you think in the comment section

Let me know if you agree with these because feedback is always welcome.

Thanks for reading