
Tuesday 26 November 2019

Complete Combustion

In science today we did an experiment about complete combustion. To do this we filled a plate with water (and added red food colouring), placed a candle in the water, lit the candle and put a beaker over top. The resulting reaction led to the water rising inside the beaker and once the candle was starved of oxygen and burnt out, the water stopped.


The way this works is without an outside source of oxygen, the flame uses it all and eventually runs out, thus making more space and allowing the water in.

Thursday 21 November 2019

English - Ideal World

My ideal world would be a world where big airlines flew to Chch direct, NASCAR and V8 Supercars visit Chch. A world where the Prime Minister would be Peter Griffin, Mr Stokes would keep teaching at Hornby. There would be a massive restaurant chain in New Zealand where they just sell bbq ribs. Milkshakes of tap in all homes. Michael Schumacher wakes up. New Zealand gets a proper military. They start selling golden gaytimes in New Zealand.

That's my ideal world, let me know what you think

Edit: A golden gaytime is an Ice Cream BTW

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Composition - Music

What is Composition?: Composition is creating something without instructions, for example in music composition is creating a completely new song

What style of composition have you chosen to do and why?: I have chosen to do an advertisement because it is short but it also allows me to add some comedy into the mix

What ideas do you have so far and what do you have so far?: We have some rough ideas of what we're are going to do but not really anything solid, which means we need to come up with something quick

Thursday 7 November 2019

The Treaty of Houston

The Treaty I have researched is the Treaty of Houston. It was a Treaty signed between the Texas Commissioners and the Cherokee tribe. It relates to the Treaty of Waitangi as it was created to stop conflicts between two parties of varied development.

Thursday 31 October 2019

Maori and European populations 1836-1901

In social studies,
we have made graphs on the populations of the Maoris and the Europeans every 5 years between 1836 and 1901

Here is mine:

1. What does this graph show us?: The more Europeans that arrived, the more the Maori population decreased
2. Why do you think the numbers of Maori change?: They either went off on ships or died in the musket wars
3. Why do you think the numbers of Europeans changed?: Because more Europeans came on ships and were bred in colonies

Wednesday 23 October 2019


Ko Aoraki Toku Maunga
Ko Pacific Toku Moana
Ko Waimakariri Toku Awa
Ko 2004 Honda Odessy Toku Waka
Ko Canterbury Toku Rohe
Ko Havrilla Toku Hapu
Ko Logan Toku Ingoa

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Creative writing - In The Navy

Title: In The Navy
USS Nimtz, Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean
‘This is Supercat One. Ready to go, Cat One.’
‘Supercat One you are cleared to go.’
‘Cleared to go, Supercat One’
The F-18 shot across the deck as steam spat everywhere. Just another take-off
for the Supercat Naval Squadron. Then suddenly. Clang, scrap, bang! 
‘Fire crews to the deck! Fire Crews to the deck!’
‘Get a search party in the water now!’
Supercat One, starts skating on it left-wing across the deck, catching fire and drops
into the water
‘What happened?’
‘The tank fell off.’
‘Did he get out?’
‘I didn’t see any ejections.’
‘Supercat Two this is Nimtz, shut down the engines and return to your cabin.’
So the two pilots in Supercat 2, Terry townsend and Chris Mortimer, did as they were
told and hoped out
‘Terry, did you see that crash.’
‘Something tells me they didn’t survive that.’
A while later
‘Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen. Unfortunately Commander Harrison Scott and Lieutenant
Commander Jack Martin have been killed during an incident that took place on the carrier
deck this morning. The cause of the accident has been put down to a faulty fuel tank
mounting on the left side that took out the landing gear on that side and exploded.
They weren’t able to eject as they were still connected to the CAT. It shot them into
the ocean at 200 mph and trapped them there. It has been decided that all pilots will
move up one spot and the official new leader of Supercat Squadron will be Lieutenant
Commander Terry Townsend. Morti you will still fly with him, but as Supercat One.
Juicebox and Cassie you will be Supercat Two and so-on and so-forth.’
‘Wait I can’t lead this squadron, I’m not ready.’
‘Well, I suggest you become ready. First Mission is tomorrow at 0845, briefing at 0800.’ 
‘I've only been in this squadron for 2 years.’
‘Pyro, we’ve all only been in this squadron for two years, it’s brand new. Besides, you didn’t
like the way that Groover ran things, so maybe you can change it up a bit.’
They pull into their bunk area
Juicebox then walks up to the pair
‘I look forward to being under your command sir!’
‘I look forward to bossing your ass around, as you were. Also keep your stuff on your
side we like to keep ours clean. Where's your RIO?’
‘Cassie is in a different bunk, with the rest of the girls.’
‘Oh right I forgot. Well then be as messy as you want, but only on your side.’
‘Sure thing sir.’
‘Cassandra Lopez reporting to the captain.’
‘Ah, hello. Welcome to our humble home.’
‘I look forward to our mission tomorrow, but can you give me some insight to what it is.’
‘I can. Tomorrow at the briefing.’
‘See you then sir.’
‘We will.’
The next day
‘Welcome to the first day under my command. Unfortunately I haven’t lead a mission,
but this one is critical. We will be going into Burjanistanian territory to sort out some
fighters that have been causing trouble.’

Maori Mythology

In social studies, we have been discussing Maori mythology.

Discuss the idea of Mythology/stories in religion, and the role myths and stories play in society?: They make people believe that back then there was a God that created the world. It is providing people with an understanding of how the world was created, as well-meaning to their life.

What similarities are there between the myths and stories of Màori and the first British Missionaries?: They all believe that there is some type of god that created the whole back then

Why would the difference between Màori beliefs and English beliefs cause conflict?:
Both the Maori mythology and Christain religion emphasised worship and solidarity of their god/s respectfully

We have also been talking Maori deities. Mine is Tane Mahuta, God of forests and Birds:

Monday 21 October 2019

Mt St Helens 1980

Name: Mt St Helens
Location: 154 km south of Seattle, Washington State
Year: 1980
Type of Eruption: Plinian, Pelean
Consequences: Side of the mountain was broken off

In 1980, Mt St Helens, situated just south of Seattle, Washington, erupted as a result of a 5.1 earthquake. This eruption launched a plume of ash 63000 feet in the air! It was classified as a Plinian and a Pelean eruption because not only did it explode from the top and release that massive plume of ash, it also blew a hole in the side in which lava leaked from. The created a crack from that hole to the top. The rock then slid down and broke up in a land-slide. This created a large hole in the crater.

Image result for mt st helens 1980

Friday 27 September 2019

Wind Racers: Science

In science, we have been making wind racers. It had to go as far as possible under the power only of a leafblower. We were allowed limited resources including paper, cardboard and tape. We were also supplied a little cart that our racers would be built upon. Lots of other groups came up with regular sail designs, but Robbie (the mastermind of our group) came up with a radical design the consisted of a cardboard back and a whole lot of masking tape. It would have small strips of cardboard around the sides, a longer piece down the middle as a support, and a large piece for the back, and the rest would be covered by tape. It didn't look very good, but we thought it would work reasonably well. It had a large area for the wind to hit and propel it forward, an aerodynamic design to minimize wind resistance and light materials. Lots of people doubted us, but when we came to the actual testing of the racers, we flew. The test was to see how far they got. We chose to go sixth (for whatever reason) out of seven, so we at least got to see how well the others did before ours. Some others tried and did alright but not great. But then when someone went further then everyone's so far, so they did a victory lap. Then it was our turn. We hoped it would make their victories premature. And it did. The so far best was just over 2 metres, ours went and blew it out of the park, 3.1 metres. The last racer didn't get anywhere clos to that. We did another run after that and it went 5 metres! It's fair to say people were jealous. We then got to redesign our racers for another run. We didn't change much apart from putting a little tape edge around the outside of the back. Other groups were adopting large cardboard on the back of theirs like we had done, and so as a back-up plan if theirs somehow became better, we would put lynx spray on the wheels to grease them up and decrease friction. Others weren't happy. But the teacher said it was fair game, if they were going to take our basic design advantage, why not make a new one. We didn't end up going further, eventually going 4 metres, but it was still the best.

I had a lot of fun with this activity and hope I could do more like this in the future.

Thanks for reading my blog, please give feedback that could help my learning

Thursday 26 September 2019

Gymnastics - P.E

In P.E we have been doing gymnastics. It's not my favourite thing but here is my best

Trampoline (mind the annoying idiots that are my friends):

My routine is something on the trampoline. I chose this sequence because it was the first one on the list. I think I have improved on this sequence as before I used to take a long time to do it

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Technology and Change

In social stuies we have been doing technology and change. We learnt about the Stone age, the Ancient Egyptians, and the Romans.

Stone age: We learnt about the different ages, the Paleolithic and the Neolithic, the different tools they used, and the cave paintings they made. Then we made our own. Mie was some people praying to an almighty fish lord

Ancient Egyptian: We learnt about what they used to make the pyramids such as sandstone and limestone. We also learnt about hieroglyphs and mummifying. We then made mummies ourselves.

Romans: We learnt about the way that rome was run and all sorts of different thing they invented. Then we made a display about how Julius caesar was assassinated. Then we presented it at an exhibition. 

The exhibition was really cool and I liked all the displays.

Here is a video of everything

Thank you for reading my blog, I had a lot of fun in this unit.

Monday 9 September 2019

Speeches in english

In English, we have been doing speeches. It was fun, especially when Nathan did his about why Donald Trump is not racist

What was your presentation about?: Why everyone should be excited about the Bathurst 1000 2019 (it's lit)

Which part of your work are you proud of?: The part where I mentioned golden gaytimes

Were there any challenges?: Not really, just writing it I guess

Would you do anything differently next time?: Make it shorter as it was 6 minutes long

Thursday 5 September 2019

Investigating Levers

Aim: To investigate the advantage of using a lever to lift a load

Hypothesis: I think the more you move the pivot point the less load it will carry

Equipment: 30 cm ruler, a pencil, 2 plastic cups, 20 marbles, blue tak

  1. Tape the two cups to either end of the ruler centred on the 2 cm and 28 cm mark
  2. Place the pencil under the ruler at the 15 cm mark. The pencil will act as the pivot point
  3. Add 10 marbles to the cup at the zero end of the ruler
  4. Add the marbles one by one to the other cup (at the 30 cm end) until the cups are balanced
  5. Record how many marbles were needed
  6. Move the pencil to the 13 cm mark and repeat steps 4 and 5
  7. Move the pencil to the 10 cm mark and repeat steps 4 and 5
Results/Conclusion: The more we moved the pivot point, the fewer marbles were able to be carried

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Egyptian Pyramids

The ancient Egyptian pyramids were large stone triangles in the middle of Egypt. They were and still are marvels of engineering. Commonly made of limestone and other stone materials used to form large structures that were the eternal home of the dead pharaohs and nobles. The oldest pyramid in the world is the Pyramid of Djoser. The largest pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Giza at 139 metres tall

In social studies, we made our own pyramids out of Mega Bloks. My group's pyramid was the largest and probably the Great Pyramid of Giza out of the lot.

I had fun with this and hope we can do more with the mega bloks

Please leave a comment to tell me what I can do better

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Ancient Egyptian Inventions

The Ancient Egyptians are famous for doing many things, mummifying, the pyramids and other things like that. But one thing they also did was invent. They invented some of the most amazing things, here's some:

Surgical Instruments: One of the parts of the mummification process is removing the internal organs. To do this the Egyptians invented tools that they used to cleanly (sort of) remove the organs and stitch them back up

Image result for egyptian surgical tools

Police: The Egyptians had many nobles living at the time, as well as pharaohs. So to protect them and their prized possessions, they invented policing forces to stand guard and keep order

Image result for ancient egyptian police

Irrigation: The Egyptians had a lot of people to feed. So, as a result, they had large farms. To water those farms, they dug large canals to feed water to their crops. They would build their farms next to the River Nile so that when the river burst its banks (as it did everyyear), it would enrich the soil with water and then they would start farming. Sort of like a large automatic farm in Minecraft. Some people still use systems like this today, even in modern Egypt

Image result for ancient egyptian irrigation

Pyramids: Like I mentioned before, the Ancient Egyptians built pyramids. These were used to bury the fallen kings and their noblemen, such as advisors and all-round rich people. They were very large an had lots of chambers to house all their gold and jewels

Image result for Pyramids of giza

This is just some of the great inventions that the Ancient Egyptians had, I hope you found this interesting. Please leave a helpful comment

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Cave Art

In social studies, we are learning about the art that humans made during the Stone Age. It is very interesting to learn about this, as they used different mixtures of pastes and liquids as paint to create wonderous pieces of art.
Image result for cave art

We also created our own art by designing our own cave art. We added creatures and people, among other things

In my picture (though not all is there) It contains some people praying to the holy fish lord. Then above that is the Council of Water-Sheep, watching over the worshippers, making sure they don't stray too far from the original culture of The Legendary Water-Sheep, with a picture memorium in the corner

We then rolled glue on the walls, tossed sand on it and painted it red to give it a vintage effect. The whole class then painted it 

Thanks for reading, I had a lot of fun painting, even though it killed my fingers.

Please comment good feedback
sub 2 pewdiepie

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Device usage for 10Bu

Mr Wilson challenged us to record our device usage over the weekend, here are the results

And here is a timeline of the history of the mobile phone

Thanks for reading
Please leave a helpful comment

Friday 9 August 2019

Group Performances - Music

In music, at the moment we are doing group performances of songs that we like. I am in a group with Nadia, Sam, Chyna and Josh. We are doing the song, Schyler Sisters from the musical, Hamilton. Everyone has a singing/rapping role. The song is about a group of sisters who sneak off at night to see some guys without their parents knowing. I will rehearse the begging of the song because the part that I do

Song Link: Schyler Sister - Hamilton

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Debate Essay - English

This is my essay for debates in English.
It's not finished yet but I'm getting there

Increase The Fleet

Do you take notice in NZ’s defence? Probably not. Very few do.
Unless you're the one fighting why should you care about the defence
force. But there are certain people who do care.
The government, patriots, and me, a 14-year-old high school student
who just wants to see some cool planes. I think that for too long,
New Zealand has sat on the sidelines, building a reputation as a
dependent nation relying on larger ones to defend them. 
But I believe it is time for New Zealand to take a stand and develop
itself into a military that can be a leader on the front lines.
Starting with the air force. For the duration of this,
I will go through the pros and cons of having a larger air force…

Back in the 1940s, during World War 2, the Royal New Zealand Air
Force purchased and flew hundreds of fighters on the front lines against
the Luftwaffe, and they fought very well. Using the British built
Supermarine Spitfires and Hawker Hurricanes, the RNZAF officers flew
with the RAF, RCAF, RAAF, and in the pacific, the USAAF
(Now the USAF), with many pilots complementing their capabilities and
how well they adapt to their flying style. After the war, New Zealand
started creating its own air force rather than borrow planes off of other Air Forces and
flying them as well as their own planes.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Careers - Social Studies #1

In social studies, we are doing careers. The purpose of the unit is to help get an understanding of what we want to do when we can get jobs and how we can get there. The career that I was given was an office administrator, which is the person that does all the budgets and stock-taking around the office. At the moment in social studies we are working on budgeting our lives around the monthly deduction as those people, these can include Taxes, fuel costs, rent and KiwiSaver.

This unit is really fun as it gives us insight into what it is like to have a full-time job

Thursday 25 July 2019

Boomerangs in Social Studies

In Social Studies we have painted boomerangs as a project to end our migration topic. My boomerang is blue, with yellow, black and teal stripes. It also has teal and red dots on the ends.

My boomerang is dominantly blue because it is the colour of Ford, Capitalism and America, three of my favourite things. And the stripes are because all Fords look good with stripes. The dots are there as well.

I had fun with this, the throwing of them especially. I hope you enjoyed my blog, please leave constructive feedback (*cough* Kaiden)

Monday 22 July 2019

English - Another World: Diversity

Diversity to me means a variety in people and things that create a culture that works.

To me Diversity isn't that important because everyone should be treated the same as every person is just that, a person.

Something I knew from last term is the way to structure and write essays

Something I learnt is the way that people who are worse of than you live when we watched the Movie, A Silent Voice

Monday 24 June 2019

Why does magnesium burn in water - Science

Magnesium. It is a metal that is used in many things that range from cars to vaccines. It is well known for being very brightly visible when burning. But another thing it can do is burn underwater. I am here to investigate how.


Aim: To find out how Magnesium burns in water

Equipment: Magnesium Strips, Bunsen Burner, Beaker


  1. Light the Bunsen Burner
  2. Light Magnesium in the bunsen burner
  3. Once alight, drop magnesium in the water
Observations: When magnesium was on fire, it set off its signature white glow. Once dropped in the water, the magnesium lasted about 0.5 seconds before being put out. I tried many times but the same thing happened every time

Conclusion: Magnesium does burn in water sometimes, but not this time for me

I have seen some videos on this and they all worked in different ways. One was a guy spraying water on to it, another was some guy doing it similarly to mine using a beaker, however, he only held it at a high level in the water, about surface level. This allowed oxygen to get to it better and allow it to keep burning. In my experiment I just dropped it in, disallowing this to happen and ultimately it went out.

So obviously magnesium only burns in the water when held at a certain level and allowed oxygen.

I thought this until I saw another video
In the video, the person drops the magnesium in the water in a similar way to me, but it continued to burn in the water. This has perplexed me to as why mine did not work. The way magnesium can burn in water is when magnesium burns so hot that it is able to separate water molecules. Water is made up of Hydrogen and Oxygen. Hydrogen is flammable and Oxygen is basically fire, so you get the picture. 
Thanks to this random person I found on the internet

This begs the question. If magnesium burns so hot that it can literally break up water, does the temperature of the water depend on if it will work? The answer is no as the average temperature of cold tap water (the type I used) is around 7 degrees Celcius. Magnesium burns at about 2200 degrees Celcius. There is a temperature difference of 2193 degrees Celcius. That's hotter than the surface temperature of Venus, the hottest planet in the solar system.  There is a possibility that the chlorine in the water could've affected the way the experiment went. Chlorine is not flammable but I doubt that there is not enough chlorine in the water supply to stop it from happening. But for now that seems like the most likely cause, and when we stop getting chlorine in the water I'll have to try it again and see. But until then, I'll have to do other experiments.

1.First Video
2.Second Video
3.Third Video

I had fun with this experiment and hope to get to do more in the future
Please give me feedback and let me know what to do better

Essay in english

In English, we are writing essays about book children of blood and bone.

Heres what I have so far

Children of Blood and Bone


Different. This word is used a lot to describe people who are, well, different from you. But is it an excuse to wipe out nearly an entire race of people? Children of Blood and Bone discusses this idea throughout the whole book. Through the twists and turns that bring it together, the author, Tomi Adeyemi, uses different techniques. I will be talking about the methods and techniques the author uses such as the use of multiple perspectives, the way the novel is structured, and the use of symbolism.

Body 1

Zelie, Amari and Inan. These are the three main characters of the book. They are the characters that you see the points of view from. You spend a chapter in each character viewpoint and see what they are thinking at a certain point in time. The use of multiple perspectives allows the reader to see the progression of a character as they evolve throughout the book. You see that Amari and Inan have come from the same background, but because of the people they became friends with and revolved around, they had different ideas of what was good and bad. It also shows how those beliefs led them to different people, with Amari coming to Zelie, and with Inan struggling to find right from wrong, coming to Zelie and Amari, but ultimately choosing the opposing side. The use of multiple perspectives helps us understand how this switch to the opposing side affects the characters in the book.

Body 2

The structuring of the book also has an impact on the way that we see the events happen. Often when the book changes the character that we see the POV from, we see an event happen again. This happened notably when The trio ( Zelie, Amari and Zelie’s brother Tzain) did the sea battle in Ibeji when it was Zelie’s POV for the start of the battle when she tried to summon ghost people, then it switched to Amari’s POV and it restarted the battle and then got up to when Zelie successfully summoned ghost people. It then carried on the battle from Amari’s POV. This helped us understand the way characters were feeling and reacting in their heads at the exact same moment.

Body 3

Symbolism is another way we see the story get pieced together by the author. There a few things that symbolise something in the story, but they have major impacts on it. One of the ways something gets symbolised is a sênet pawn that Inan takes with him on his journey. It is similar to a chess piece and is used in a strategy game that Inan used to play with his father. He uses it as a sort of physical form of his father's teachings. He holds it when he needs to be reminded of what he is fighting for, to be a good king. This plays a major role in the book because when Inan figures out what his father is doing is wrong, he drops it and leaves it behind, symbolising that he is forgetting his father and moving on. It starts the path of him becoming maji, which he ultimately stops in its tracks, and takes a sword from his father and basically replacing the sênet pawn with the sword.


Children of Blood and Bone was a book written by Tomi Adeyemi and contained some unique technique that helped put the story together. These were the uses of Multiple perspectives, allowing us to see each person's POV to help us understand how they felt about the current event, the structuring of the book, with it going back to the same event so we could see how everyone felt about the thing at the same time, and the use of symbolism, seeing how people saw certain objects in the story and used them to help comprehend the events happening, as well as how the character changed with the idea for that object. That’s how I believe the techniques in Children of Blood and Bone affected the way the story happened. Do you think the same, you probably don’t. But hey, we’re all different.

Thanks for reading my essay, I hope you enjoyed

Thursday 20 June 2019

Corrosion - Science

In science, we are currently investigating corrosion and how other things can either speed up, slow down, or stall completely the corrosion process. We are currently doing an experiment where we have different iron nails and put them in different conditions. We have a nail in oil, a nail covered in nail polish in water, a nail with magnesium strips around it, in water,  a nail sitting in a mixture of water and Calcium Chloride, and a nail sitting in saltwater.

I'm not completely sure what is going to happen but here are some of my hypothesis

Nail in Saltwater: I think the nail will corrode a decent amount but not much

Nail in Oil: I don't think the nail will corrode

Nail covered in Nail polish: I don't think this nail corrode either

Nail with magnesium strips around it: I'm not sure what will happen

Nail in Calcium water: I think the nail will have been covered in gas from the reaction and not corrode


Nail in Saltwater: The nail corroded/rusted not too much but a decent amount

Nail in Oil: The nail did not corrode at all

Nail covered in Nail Polish: The nail polish created a coating that stopped corrosion

Nail with magnesium strips: The strips rusted as well as the nail, probably had the most corrosion

Nail in Calcium water: The nail corroded slightly less than the nail in the salt water

Thank you for reading my blog, I had a lot of fun with this experiment and hope to do more like it
Please comment feedback as it helps my learning

Monday 10 June 2019

The Stolen Generation

What is the stolen generation and what does this song say about

The Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation was a large group of children that were taken from their families and sent away. These kids were half cast children. Half Cast meant mixed race between Aborigine and White. They were taken to schools and foster homes and taught to do jobs that fit into the new society

The Song
The song is Took The Children Away by Archie Roach. It is about how children were taken from their families and the lasting impact it had on those families

Song Link: Took The Children Away: Archie Roach

Friday 31 May 2019

Sphero Game

In DTE we have been learning to code using a variety of programs. At the start of the topic, we used a web program called RobotMagic in which we coded a robot called Bob to do tasks we are assigned to do. It was an entrance to block code, which we would be using to command Sphero's

Spheros are little robot spheres that are commanded by many different types of code. You download the app on a mobile device such as an Ipad or phone, and you can control it from there. At the start of using them, we controlled the spheros manually via the app where we could use a joystick sort of control and we could change the colour. After we moved onto coding. We started with block coding and went through some activities wherein the first activity we learnt the basics of coding. Then in the following activities, we made games that we played. We made two games, a toss game where you had to throw the sphero and whoever held it after the tenth or so toss was out, and a hot potato game where the game is similar to the toss game but there was a time limit. Then we were given another task, make our own game. Here is mine:

The game I plan to make is a game where you have to roll the ball to another person manually as many times as you can in 60 seconds. However, if the roll hits over 3G’s, then you lose.

The program goes

Stabilizer: Off
Loop Forever
If Total Accelerometer > 3 Then
  Play Fail Sound and Wait
  Strobe Red for 0.2s 10 Times
  Raw Motor left 255 right 255 fr 5s
  Main LED Blue

The program uses an if then else statement so that if the total accelerometer (X, Y, Z) exceeds 3 g’s then play the fail scenario but the else statement keeps on going

I've enjoyed playing with the spheros this term and I am excited about moving on to the next topic. Next time I want to work with people to create a game together and/or combine the games.

Thank you for reading my blog, please give feedback as it helps my learning

Acid Rain

Acid Rain is a phenomenon that is the event of rain that has an unusual acidic level. This comes from pollution and is common in China, some parts of the United States of America and other places that produce pollution in mass amounts. It is a common event in those places and usually, when it happens you don't even realise.

 Image result for acid rain
Acid Rain Explained

Acid rain results when gases are sent into the atmosphere by factories and transported by wind.  These gases include SO2 and NO-x and once in the air, they react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to form sulfuric and nitric acids.  These then mix with water and other materials before falling to the ground.

The effects of Acid Rain include corrosion of stones and metals, damage to the environment and even lethality to animals. The melting of acid snow can also pollute rivers and lakes.

We can stop acid rain by shutting down factories and manufacturing plants to prevent the creation of greenhouse gases

Thursday 16 May 2019

4 Thing I Covered in Science - Atomic Science

In science for the past few weeks, we have been doing the topic of Atomic Science. Atomic Science is the study of atoms, elements and different forms of element groups. Here are four things covered.

  • Chemical Change vs Physical change: Chemical Changes are changes that involve this such as, colour change, heat is absorbed or released and cannot be easily reversed. Changes happen every day like when you fry an egg or bake a muffin 
  • Atoms: Atoms are particles that make up everything, solids, liquids and gases. Atoms are made up of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons and the amount of these depend on which element is. Example: Hydrogen has, 1 Proton, 1 Electron and 0 Neutrons.
  • Elements: The elements are the things that make up many things in the world. They are made of atoms and each element contains a different amount of Protons, Neutrons and electrons. Example: Hydrogen has 1 Proton, 1 Electron and 0 Neutrons. However, Chlorine has 17 Protons, 17 Electrons and 18 Neutrons.
  • Atomic and Mass Numbers:  Each element on the periodic table has an atomic and mass number. The atomic number gives you the number of Protons and Electrons. The way to calculate the number of Neutrons is subtract the Atomic number from the mass number. An example is Carbon, it is sixth on the periodic table meaning its atomic number is 6. It's mass number is 12.0. 6 taken away from 12 is 6, so Carbon has 6 Protons, 6 Electrons and 6 Neutrons

Thanks for reading my blog, I had a lot of fun with this topic and I did really well on my test. Please give me feedback in the comments as it helps my learning

Wednesday 15 May 2019

PE - Floor Hockey

In PE we have been doing floor hockey. Floor hockey is hockey but an indoors version with plastic sticks and tennis balls. We were given some questions to answer

  1. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your participation in the previous lesson: 8.5 
  2. Why that rating: Because I only got one turn in the game
  3. What do you think you did well: I worked with everyone very well and I did good defence
  4. What skills did you use: I did really good defence when people tried to get the ball
  5. What do you need to work on next time: More involvement with the game at the start
That is my review on the previous lesson, I had really good fun

Friday 10 May 2019

Improv in drama

In drama today we did stuff to do with theatre sports. Theatre sports is a thing where you get into groups and do improvisation. It is an interesting idea of something to do but it greatly helps with improv skills. The game we played was a game where we could only speak in three worded sentences, but that evolved into a game where we had to create an object and make a scene based off of that. My scene with Kaiden was making beans on toast for dinner. I liked the game, but another game I would like to play would be Pop-up storybook. Pop-up storybook is when you are given a scene and you must make a book about that place or scene.

I had fun in drama this week and I look forward next week and when we do our musical

Monday 29 April 2019

English - Diverstity

In English, we have been learning about the meaning of stories and what the director wants us to see in the story

I think we are learning about this because it is important to understand different points of view

The Willow Maid by Erutan helped me understand that just because someone wants to do something, it doesn’t mean the other does

Disney’s Tarzan  helped me to understand that it is difficult for some people to accept others into groups

Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Great Divide could be connected to Tarzan as it is another case of people struggling to work with others and accept them into their group

Barriers by Hinewirangi helped me to understand that different languages can make people struggle to pronounce names and other words, but you shouldn't give up trying

The Seahorse and the Reef by Witi Ihimaera helped me to understand that some places are important to some and those places get ruined by the greed of others

Butterflies by Patricia Grace  helped me to understand people coming from different backgrounds often have conflicting ideas and usually, neither will admit theirs is worse

CW’s Supergirl, Welcome to Earth made me think about how people treat others that come from different places and often make up names for them like Aliens

Disney’s Zootopia made me think about the way people treat others based on stereotypes

The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare helped me to understand that in the past people were treated a lot differently and were not listened to often

The Bee Movie can be connected to Tarzan because it was hard for humans to accept Barry B Benson into their world